So, you’ve got an ecommerce site. You’ve got a great product to distribute and customers are responding to it. The only problem is that not enough people know about it… and that’s the only way to move up!
Introducing Facebook Ads Manager, or Meta, their software allows you to create ads that target specific audiences in order to get them interested in your brand or products. It also lets you customize how those ads will show up on different devices, ensuring the best possible conversion rate.
Drive People to Your Ecommerce Website
Facebook Ads Manager is a great tool to easily drive people to an ecommerce website. If you’re unfamiliar with it, it’s a platform that allows you to create, target and optimize ads for your business. It can be as basic or intricate as you want it to be, and uses a sophisticated algorithm to target the right audience.
Conversions Over Clicks
Before starting to optimize your own campaigns, it’s important to define the problem. In this case, it’s that you want to see more conversions on your ad account. This is an important first step because if you don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish, how can you make progress?
The next step is deciding which goal is most important for your campaign: clicks or conversions. If all of your ads have a high cost per click (CPC) but few conversions, then it may be time to shift toward conversion optimization instead. Facebook has made this easier by automatically changing the name of its metric from “clicks” over into “conversions” as soon as someone clicks an ad and goes through with their purchase within 30 days.
By default, Facebook will optimize for clicks because advertisers are usually more concerned about getting traffic than converting those visitors into paying customers—but when it comes down to making money from ads on Facebook or other platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter there’s only one thing that matters: sales!
So how do these two different types of metrics work together in an ecommerce scenario? Let’s say there were two identical ads running side-by-side where both had 100 clicks per day but one had 20% converting customers while another had 1% conversions. Which one is more beneficial for you as a business owner? The one with higher conversions! And this is why you need the help of professionals. We can A/B test and optimize your ads to make sure that the content being shown is the content that converts.
Mobile Mobile Mobile!
When optimizing ads for mobile, it’s important to remember that most organic Facebook users access the site from their phones. In fact, in one month alone, approximately 1.94 billion people visit Facebook on a mobile device each day.
When you’re running campaigns on mobile devices, ads are more effective because they’re designed to fit within smaller screens and don’t require as much image space as desktop ads do. Mobile users also tend to be more engaged with their phones than desktop users—they spend more time browsing social media sites and playing games than they do checking email or watching videos.
In addition to being more useful as an ad format overall (ads can be easily scrolled through while still being seen), one of the biggest benefits of running mobile campaigns is that they tend to have higher clickthrough rates than traditional web pages or banner ads: in fact, according to Smart Insights’ report “The Rise Of Mobile Social Media Advertising” about 89% of consumers who saw an ad on their phone clicked on it at least once!
Split Testing is a Must
Before launching a new campaign, it’s always wise to run a split test. Split testing is the act of running two ads against one another and seeing which one performs better. You can use split tests to compare different audiences or messages in your ad copy, and find out which one is more effective at converting sales for you.
In Facebook Ads Manager, there’s an easy way to run a split test: just head over to “Audience Options,” select two audiences (or Custom Audiences), and then choose “Create Split Test” from the dropdown menu that appears. From here, you’ll be able to set up your experiment by adjusting one of them (e.g., changing its budget). Then all you have left to do is wait—you’ll see results after three days!
If either audience doesn’t convert as well as expected during this period, we recommend running another split test with another variation on that audience until they’re both performing well enough for launch day!
Use Retargeting and Dynamic Ads to Bring Back Previous Visitors
Retargeting is a great way to show products that were viewed or purchased by someone who visited your site. It’s also a good way to bring back people who have already been to your site and shown interest in your products, but haven’t made a purchase yet. With Facebook’s dynamic ads tool, you can show them specific items they’ve expressed interest in, along with personalized price points and promotions (if you want).
To Sum Things Up!
Using social media ads is a must if you have an ecommerce store. Getting your product on the most popular feed at the moment opens a brand new door for you and your product. So, we hope this article has helped you understand the importance of using Facebook Ads in today’s age. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below!